The Benefits of Custom Orthotics

A custom orthotic provides support for the body from the ground up. Our skilled chiropractors can choose the right one suitable for your needs. Each orthotic is designed and created to match the specific needs of each individual, ensuring anatomical efficiency and biomechanical correctness. Custom orthotics are custom made to fit in most footwear including running shoes, cleats, casual shoes, dress shoes, or steel toe boots. They can be used to address many common conditions while allowing you to perform any weight bearing sport, occupation, or activity. Custom orthotics help to correct specific imbalances of the feet, reduce physical stress on the body, and help to align the musculoskeletal system.

Proper biomechanics of the feet can improve function and reduce pain throughout the entire kinetic chain. Most extended health plans cover the cost of custom orthotics. Please check with your insurance provider for more information on coverage. 

Conditions Relieved by Custom Orthotics:

  • Pronation
  • Supination
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Shin Splints
  • Bunions
  • Foot, Arch, or Heel Pain
  • Knee and Hip Pain
  • IT Band Syndrome
  • Sacroiliac/Back Pain
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